viernes, marzo 12, 2010

A Cámara Lenta

Menudo vídeo loco que se han currado con una de esas nuevas cámaras digitales ultralentas...De propina tienes a Stephen Hawking explicando teorías físicas con un rollete technotrón muy fino...

Pink Terror Hawking from mike barzman on Vimeo.

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Anonymous Anónimo said...

What the FUck is your problem maybe your proud to be a burrito BUT FUCK Mexicans; if you live in South California(like me) you'll know why. Mexican is a dirty disgusting word that descent people don't want to be associated with. Stop referring to Spanish blogs/news websites for "Mexican speakers" and Spanish basketball players as Mexican it's degrading and retarded of you just spreading ignorance among the American population giving the GO that it's Okay.

10:35 p. m.  
Blogger nico said...

i've already answered to your mail, check your inbox. I would appreciate it if you keep the insults for yourself, or I'll erase your comments.

2:23 p. m.  

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